2 Cents Restaurant in Key West

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2 Cents Restaurant

416 Applerouth Ln, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

Located at 416 Appelrouth Lane in Key West, 2 Cents Restaurant is a hidden gem for seafood and cocktail lovers. The restaurant has indoor and outdoor sitting area. The indoor area is decorated with many murals, wall paintings and attractive light fixtures. The place is good for lunch and dinner and you can enjoy brunch on Sundays. This dive in bar and restaurant is famous for different favorite dishes of tourists like Fish Tacos, Bacon Wrapped Peppers, Egg Benedict, Duck Nachos etc. The chef Chris Otten is well-known for his local and seasonal authentic recipes. The snacks menu here includes variety of mouthwatering dishes like Spiced Pork Meatballs, Truffle Fries, 2C Wings, Quack Quack Nachos, Grilled Japanese Eggplant, Roasted Spaghetti Squash and various salads like Caramelized Brussel Salad, and many more. You will find a wonderful collection of red wines, white wines and sparkling wines at 2Cents bar. It is famous for its variety of cocktails and Martinis. You will definitely like to try cocktails like Stockholm Syndrome, Curse Like A Saler, Hibiscus Jalapeno Margarita and many more. The bar offers Happy Hours every day from 4pm to 6pm. 2 Cents offers free bacon during Happy Hours. One of the interesting things for visitors in Happy Hours is ‘Roll The Dice’ activity wherein you can avail drink at $1, $2 or in half price. Sunday evenings here are Taco nights. The restaurant remains open on all weekdays from 11am to 11pm. On Sunday it remains open from 10am to 11pm. The smoking is allowed only in outdoor patios. The bar is buzzy on weekend nights. The pleasing atmosphere, tasty food and strong cocktails at 2 Cents make your Key West visit more enjoyable. Turn your way on Appelrouth Lane to visit this gem place and enjoy!
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