Crane Point Museum and Nature Center in Marathon

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Crane Point Museum and Nature Center

(305) 743-9100
5550 Overseas Hwy, Marathon 33050
Hours: Not Currently Available

Located at Mile Marker 50, Overseas Highway in Marathon, Crane Point Museum and Nature Center brings a treasure of Keys. It is a 63 acre property that preserves Key’s wildlife, marine life, flora and fauna. Crane Point exhibits nine minutes orientation film wherein you can get introduction, environmental aspects and history of Crane Point. Then you can go out for 1.5 miles trail to explore the nature. The trolley tours are available in admission price for those who cannot walk or not willing to walk on the trail. If you take a trolley tour, trolley drivers are friendly and enthusiast to offer treasure of information. This rugged trail shows the transition of mangroves to hardwood hammock over time. The Adderley house is one of the visit sights at Crane Point which is the oldest house in Monroe County built in 1903. The Crane Point is named after a couple Mary and Francis Crane who built Crane House in 1953 near the Adderley house. You can view beautiful Florida bay from Crane house. The museum of natural history and Adderley house are listed on National register of historic places. The Marathon Wild Bird Center here exhibits migrating birds. It is a rescue center where injured or sick birds are taken care and rehabilitated. One of the attractions at Crane Point is guided kayak tour. The tours are conducted on Tuesdays and Saturdays. The tour package includes 3 hours kayak tour and a day long admission to the center. The gift shop here offers a wide variety of items like T shirts, children’s books, puzzles, jewelry, decorative items, salt scrub, locally made Key Lime juice and fudge etc. So, visit to the Crane Point museum opens nature and nature’s history of Florida Keys to visitors. It is worth going for the nature trail and exploring the wildlife of Keys.
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