Don's Place in Key West

Location Details

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Don's Place

(305) 296-8837
1000 Truman Ave, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

Located at the corner of Grinnell Street and Truman Ave, Don’s Place is a local’s bar in Key West Florida. The bar gives real dive bar experience with its air conditioned bar, a liquor store with plenty of variety of drinks and outdoor tiki bar. The bar was opened by two friends named Don. The bar serves all partying needs as well as serves both early risers and late night drinkers. Don’s Place remains open whole day except a short close at 4am to 7 am. The location of the bar is few blocks away from the main strip but it serves everything from beer and shots. The most enchanting feature of the bar is its wide range of bar activities and convenient liquor store in the same building. You can really enjoy games and activities here as the bar offers a wide range of games such as ping pong, darts, corn hole, pool foosball, juke box, video games and many more. Besides this, Don’s Place bar has 19 TVs to enjoy different sports events. The liquor store offers a variety of wine, beer and liquor and also serves special orders or party orders. The outdoor tiki bar is made available for different events like weddings, receptions, birthday parties, baby showers etc. The Sunday cookouts in football season give exciting experience for football lovers. The staff at Don’s Place is friendly and offers prompt services. Though the bar is lack of fancy, it’s the real charm of the bar. If you want to get away from tourist crowd on Duval Street and experience local flavor, you must visit Don’s Place.
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