History of Diving Museum in Islamorada

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History of Diving Museum

(305) 664-9737
82990 Overseas Hwy, Islamorada 33036
Hours: Not Currently Available

Explore 4,000 years of diving history in front of you and you will surprise to know this interesting history with plenty of memorabilia at History of Diving Museum in Islamorada. Located at 82990 Overseas Highway, Islamorada, this museum provides great opportunity for diving enthusiasts and all others to get to know the story of mankind and all about diving history. It is interesting to know how South Florida has contributed to marine biology, treasure hunting, sports diving and underwater photography with its open bottom helmets. The museum remains open on all weekdays from Monday to Sunday between 10 am to 5 pm. You will find plenty of historical diving equipment like Jake, helium helmet, diving bell, Triton diving machine made in 1805, Navy mark helmet, diving armor duke and many more. These exhibits open the history and evolution of diving from just breath hold diving till early and today’s diving machines. The South Florida adventure section shows open bottom Diving hood developed by Miller Dunn company in Miami and how it helped establish major areas of diving namely underwater photography, marine biology, sports diving and treasure diving. You will see inspiring story of Matt Johnston about his first historic dive with ventilator dependent scuba equipment. The Treasure Room here tells the story of McKee, the father of treasure diving today. Watch his amazing collection of sunken treasure. You can have interactive exhibition with Captain Nemo and his crew with the model of Capt. Nemo’s helmet. Parade of Nations exhibits collection of precious helmets from 24 nations along with 45 unique and rare helmets. Apart from this breathtaking historical collection, you can watch colorful aquarium here. Bauer library at museum brings collection of over 2500 volumes including rare books, woodcuts, prints, photographs and many more. The library facility is available for members. You can become a member of museum and take benefits of library as well as other events, seminars held by museum. So, do not miss this treasure of diving in Islamorada.
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