Mangia Mangia in Key West

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Mangia Mangia

(305) 294-2469
900 Southard St, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

Mangia Mangia Pasta cafe is an Italian restaurant situated at the corner of Southard St and Margaret St. in the heart of Old Key West. It is favorite place for locals to chat and exchange their stories with friends while tourists like to taste the delicious Pasta and other Italian dishes at Mangia. It is famous for its homemade Pasta. The restaurant remains open on all weekdays from 5.30pm to 10pm and it is a good place for dinner. The indoor dining area is decorated with superb wall paintings to create pleasing ambiance. The restaurant has open air garden area. The favorite dishes of tourists at Mangia include Pasta, Spaghetti, Linguini, Rigatoni etc. The menu for dinner includes salads, appetizers and soups including Conch Minestrone, Caprese, New Zealand Mussels, Bruschetta, Broccoli Rabe etc. You will find a variety of homemade pasta and you can choose meat, sauce and sides to make your own dish. If you love grills, you can choose Grilled boneless Chicken Breast, Atlantic Salmon or Mahi Mahi. Mangia is also popular for its seafood. Its seafood menu includes tempting dishes like fresh Sea Scallops with cream sauce, Rigatoni with Jumbo Shrimp, Lobster Linguine, Seafood Scampi and many more. The special homemade recipes at Mangia offer delicious dishes like Chicken Piccatta, Picadillo Pasta, Chicken Parmesan, Tutto Grano etc. Mangia Pasta Cafe offers excellent collection of wines and beers. It has grabbed Wine Spectator’s award of excellence for 1994-2011. Its collection includes different red wines and white wines. Its beer collection includes Yuengling, Miller Lite, Coors Light, Amber Lager etc. Besides these, you will find a large collection of Champagne, domestic and international wines to try different tastes. The restaurant is pet friendly. It also offers take-away services. The staff at the restaurant is prompt and attentive. So, take an offbeat road to Old town to taste awesome Italian food.
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