No Name Pub in Big Pine Key

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No Name Pub

(305) 872-9115
30813 Watson Blvd, Big Pine Key 33043
Hours: Not Currently Available

As the oldest bar and restaurant in Big Pine Key, No Name Pub gives the real Florida Keys experience to the visitors. The history of the restaurant starts long back in 1931 when it was started as the general store. In 1936, a small room was added to the shop and it became a restaurant. In 1960s, two great Italian cooks joined the restaurant and it became famous for the Pizza. The same recipes are even followed today to offer the awesome Pizzas. This bar is located on the bay area of Big Pine Key and has wooden walls decorated with autographed dollar bills. This quirky decoration has the historic background and started in 70s and 80s when there was illegal money floating around. If you visit the bar do not forget to leave your mark hanging a dollar bill on the wall. Though the bar is hidden and might be difficult to find, this small bar is must visit place for excellent casual dining experience in lower Keys. The restaurant has got top scores in Zagat Surveys for its best dining experience in Florida Keys, good food and services for several years. No Name Pub is popular for its variety of Pizzas like Royal Pub pizza, Caribbean chicken pizza, Key shrimp pizza, Mexican pizza and many more. Along with Pizzas, you can enjoy salads and various delicious dishes like sandwiches, Sangria, Smoked fish dip, nachos, Spaghetti and meatballs and many more. The bar offers a variety of appetizers, beers and drinks. The restaurant is favorite hangout for locals as well as tourists in Keys. You can also shop T Shirts, hats and other articles here. So, do not miss the awesome food, wonderful cold drinks, good services at this cozy No Name Pub bar and restaurant when you will visit lower Keys.
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