Rum Bar in Key West

Location Details

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Rum Bar

(305) 296-2680
1117 Duval St, Key West 33040
Hours: Not Currently Available

The Rum Bar located at the ground floor of Speakeasy Inn on Duval Street in Key West is a tiny but quiet and comfortable place adorned with wooden panels, dim lights and calming music. Though it is at the end of Duval Street away from other bars, it is an easy walk where you can find comfort and wonderful rum drinks. The name itself expresses the bar identity and it has wonderful variety of premium quality rums. The bartender Bahama Bob is expert in mixing and serving a variety of rum drinks. You can enjoy different combinations like bark juice made of octane rum mixed with jungle roots or Painkiller and many more. The bar is specialized in tropical rums to cocktails but do not miss the legendary drinks Mojitos, Painkiller and Daiquiris at Rum Bar. You will find excellent selection of rum here. Do not hesitate to ask your queries about the rums and bartenders here are always ready to answer your questions. Some of the favorite drinks of locals and visitors of the bar are painkillers, Mojitos made of lime juice and mint, pina colada made with fresh nutmeg etc. If you are trying the rum for the first time, the sampler here will help you to choose the drink. If you are rum lover and like to try different mixing, Rum Bar is the perfect place for you. The Rum Bar offers a wide variety of blends and aged rum drinks and Bob is expert in making cocktails. Enjoy the mixing that you would have never tried before. So, if you are in Key West and want to taste something different, do not forget to stop at Rum Bar and enjoy!
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