Ziggie and Mad Dog's in Islamorada

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Ziggie and Mad Dog's

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(305) 664-3391
83000 Overseas Hwy, Islamorada 33036
Hours: Not Currently Available

If you are driving through Islamorada, it is worth to take a stop at 83000 Overseas Highway to find the historic gem place to take a break. The property has long history which starts at 1930 as a sales office for Pen Key Club. It is transformed to small restaurant in 1950s and converted to legendary Ziggie’s Conch Restaurant in 1962. This restaurant was famous for its finest dining experience. In 2006 it was purchased by Jim Mandich and Randy Kassewitz and renovated as Ziggie and Mad Dog’s with the same goal of serving great food at complete satisfaction of visitors. Chef Benjamin Coole works hard to keep the reputation with exquisite food quality. Some of the favorite dishes at Ziggie restaurant include Alligator with Bayou Sauce, Bone in Ribeye, Wedge Salad, Filet Mignon, Truffle mac and Cheese and many more. The dinner menu here is crowded with plenty of tasty dishes including appetizers, salads, soups, steaks, chops, poultry, seafood dishes and last but not least desserts and wines. The specialty dishes of Ziggie are Smoked Salmon, Lobster and White Truffle, Conch Shula etc. The desserts at Ziggie include Key Lime Pie, Bread Pudding, Artisan Ice Cream, Crème Brulee and Chocolate Madness. The restaurant remains open on Monday to Thursday and Sunday from 5pm to 10 pm while on Friday and Saturday, it remains open from 5pm to 11pm. The bar offers a full bar with collection of elite wines, beers and other drinks. You can choose from different red wines like Joel Gott, Mount Veeder, or plenty of white wines and Champagnes. The staff at Ziggie is pleasant and attentive. The restaurant doesn’t offer take-away services but it is a great dining experience for all Key visitors.
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